Never before has the whole world recognized how vital the medical field can be as now. As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic spreads more and more, doctors and nurses become ever more important in order to win this war. But as in all wars, these brave medical “soldiers” also need reliable weapons to gain the victory. If on one hand researchers are doing their best to find a way to cure people from this virus, on the other hands doctors and nurses need proper tools to sterilize the environment, to avoid getting infected and to keep their patients alive, giving them the best treatments they can give. But how is Vega contributing?
Medical Support
Of course, Vega is not specialized in the medical field nor in producing medical equipment. But some of our customers are! For example, one of our customers is a company located in Volpiano (Turin, Italy) specialized in assembling and testing medical components, such as units for the filtering of liquids, tools for hemodialysis, components for cardiac surgery and monitoring, valves, syringes, connectors and so on. All these tools are vital to good medical interventions. Furthermore, another one of our customers is a company located in Turin. This company specialized in medical equipment, producing vital components such as connectors, filters and blood catchers.
However, in order to produce all these pieces, hydraulic cylinders for molding are required. And this is exactly where Vega gives its best.
A constant production of reliable cylinders is necessary, since in turn it allows a constant production of medical components and tools.
In this way, doctors and nurses have all they need to carry on with their job, a job that is so much precious during these difficult times!