03 February 2021 Vega Growing in China Vega has always aimed at a global market, welcoming all cultures and nationalities into its family. Accordingly, it’s no surprise...
11 January 2021 Support Bag—Your Personal Vega Workshop There are times when your cylinder needs a helping hand. Even with our rapid and efficient customer service, though, the...
21 September 2020 Vega Interviews—Massimo De Luca (Support Department) Good morning! It’s a pleasure to have the chance of knowing more about Vega Support Department! Massimo, how long have...
04 May 2017 Case Study—Scraper Extrusion A few years ago, one of our customers reported oil loss from the rod of his cylinder. How could it...
24 March 2017 Case Study—Broken Switch Actuation Pin (V260 Cylinders) Some time ago, one of our customers found himself exactly in this situation—the pin needed for actuating his cylinder switches...
02 March 2017 Case Study—Abnormal or Missing Switch Signals (V250 Cylinders) End-stroke switches can be extremely useful, greatly enhancing the performance of a cylinder. Yet, at times abnormal signals occur, and...
01 February 2016 Amazing Maintenance! Vega has been providing a special Maintenance and Support Package for a few years now. But what’s so special about...
08 October 2015 Why Should Bigger Bore Sizes Have Lower Working Pressures? Sometime ago I received this question from one of Vega’s distributor and at first i though it was an easy answer, but...
25 August 2015 Vega Service Bag Along with very practical videos and a downloadable app for mobile devices, Vega released another vital tool designed to help...